I just heard this and this is crazy some principle actualy said its against the rules in his school for students to have websites and blogs or be on some online chats beacause he says its an invitation to preadators.
Isnt that crazy and its all true and that principle actualy suspends kids for it 2 But its he is probably not going to sucseed in this because there is a huge fight against him!!! Oh yeah i am also very interested on your point of view on this subject!!!
Wait, you mean they can't have blogs/web sites period or they just can't check them at school?
Because technically we're not supposed to "surf the web" at school unless it has something to do with school work. Not that I'd ever do that anyways... ^^;;
If the schools don't want us checking forums and the like during school then they need to block them or (and I honestly think would be the best option for the school) remove internet access from all student computers. But until they do, I'll be spending most of my second block reading Sluggy Freelance.
It would violate such a large number of rights to remove our ability to have blogs/websites... the idea is just too farfetched to be true.
But, no, you can't look at anything without some kind of educational orientation while in school without an excuse. Do we follow that little rule? Newp.
The Covenant army fully supports the petition of this idiotic rule. The school administrators are retarded anyway, and the technicians are so slow that if they were to ban these site, putting this into action would take forever. And by forever we mean 896.78394 human years.
"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet! (Hoo-Rah!)" -- Sergeant Johnson
The petition would have my unwavering support were it not for one thing- they're not going to listen to a bunch of whiny high school sophomores who've somehow managed to pull a junior into their little plot.
Out of curiosity, do you happen to know which school this is at?
i am completely against such a rule considering the fact that my soul is tethered to the internet now. If the school enforces such a rule i would become a spirt wandering the great binary information superhighway you call the internet
I have created this world for you go in semi-peace
No its realy about www.MySpace.com when we surf the internet they just tell u to stop but if they will see u on my space they will actualy suspend the student for a few days