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Post Info TOPIC: To build on the Sluggy plug...


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Date: Oct 26, 2005
To build on the Sluggy plug...

Oh, that's right. It's WEBCOMIC TIME! *Puts on his party hat.*

First up, it's 8-bit Theater. Final Fantasy parody with sprites.Very long, very funny.

Next, we have 9th Elsewhere. More of a whimsical tale, which, when coupled with the exquisite art, makes quite a cool comic/graphic novel.

Building 12! Watch the fanservice pic up front.

Cascadia! Possibly the best webcomic art I've seen.

ClanBOB. Starts off as a nerdy paintball funny comic, then quickly goes into a battle concerning the Christian mythos.

Dominic Deegan, Oracle for Hire. Old comic about a seer and his peeps.

Errant Story. Probably rated M, but the art, story, and humor is too good to pass up.

Everything Jake. STILL haven't finished this one.

Filibuster. Canadian comic on politics. This is where I get most of my news. =/

Ghost 2138. Fell in love with this about a year ago, but the darn artist hasn't updated in forever.

Ghost Hunters. Online manga about... well... ghosts. And hunting them.

Konsekai: Swordwaltzer. /swoon at the art here.

Little Gamers. South Park for gamers.

Mac Hall. Old favorite.

Megatokyo. If you haven't gone, you need to go.

Mixed Myth. Quirky little fantasy... it's over, now. Makes me sad.

Real Life. Ultima Online! Camping! One of my favorite nerd/real life comics.

RPG World. The ULTIMATE RPG parody.

Sinfest. Calvin and Hobbes with wit, sex, and religious commentary. This is easily the funniest bookmark I have.

Tsunami Channel. Anime parody comic with a heavy Japanese flavor.

User Friendly. The nerdiest on the list. 'Nuff said.

Utukki. Babylonian mythology! Yay!

Van Von Hunter. It's like Austin Powers does fantasy.

Place Name Here. Kind of... everything in one nifty package.

Bad Blood. Remember what I said about Cascadia having the best art? This is the only contender. My god, look at some of the portraits... *Faints.*
Oh, right. Warning: Nudity, violence, rated M.

Lead Salad. Cyberpunk! CYBERPUNK! /dance!

Star Crossed Destiny. Little X-men-esque graphic novel. Still very, very good.

Misfile. Done by the same guy who does Building 12. One of the more original works I've seen, fo' sho'.

Wanderjive. Really, if you get the chance, check out the other works in here. The comic itself is so... just... breathakingly cool! And you get music clips to accompany your perusing!

Sea of Insanity. Yay nymphs! Yay nymph-on-centaur action! Yay Greco-Roman mythology!

Chugworth Academy. The ultimate webcomic that makes you go, "WTF?"

Seraph Inn. Fantasy graphic novel... with little... furry... things.

Instant Classic. Movie parody! This comic has the greatest bartender character ever!

Post-Nuke. Post-apocalyptic graphic novel.

Return to Sender. God I want this to come back.

Applegeeks. Mac Hall, squared.

Count Your Sheep. Very cutesy, but has a Calvin and Hobbes aire to it.

Comedity. It's Comedity. What can ya say?

Flipside. Fantasy graphic novel with... a herring! Actually, a female jester.

Two Lumps. My cats are like these buggers. It's scary, really.

Directions of Destiny. Mmm.... online manga. A+ for art, too.

Fallen. Another graphic novel... with angels! But no specific mythology... really original.

Devil's Panties. Don't ask how I know about this.

Broken Saints. Breathtaking. It's a flash graphic novel.

Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Just... yeah.

Penny Arcade... I shouldn't even have to link nor mention this.

VG Cats. Funny videogame commentary.

If you can ever get to Strings of Fate, I highly, highly recommend it. Chinese mythology, gorgeous art, cool story. One of my favorites... unfortunately, it's now out of commission.

Ugh... that's about half of my bookmarked webcomics. I'm just going to stop there.

Oh, wait. Yeah.
Sluggy Freelance. Just so Stephanie doesn't decapitate me.



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Posts: 144
Date: Oct 26, 2005

To add to Ben's list-

EarthSong Saga - art is kind of Disney-like, and the story's cool- alternate worlds and all that jazz.

Bob and George - the first sprite comic ever.  Also updates every day.

Friendly Hostility - may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I adore it.  And the art is lovely.  (warning- the main characters are a gay couple.  Don't like, don't read, don't flame)

Boy Meets Boy - same author as Friendly Hostility and a sort a prequel.  Ended last year sometime I think.  (same warning applies- main characters are a gay couple.  Don't like, don't read, don't flame)

Rob and Elliot - the author who recently took over Saturdays at Sluggy Freelance.  Absolutely hilarious and random.  One of my favorites.

Beaver and Steve - about a beaver and a dinosaur thing.  Random and pointless, but the style's too nifty not to give it a look.

No Rest For The Wicked - the art is really awesome and sketchy, and the story's fantastic- a rework of all of our favourite Grim's fairy tales. 

Jack - Rated M.  Rated M.  Not safe for school, even if it's not blocked.  But it's good and one of my favourites, it's a take on hell and the grim reaper (as furries) and an exploration of life after death for the damned.  The art style miffs me a bit, but the story more than makes up for it.  Rate M.  Rated M.

I'll add links when I get the chance, but a google search should find most of them.

And decapitation's not my style Ben, I prefer defenestration.


PIC|< j00R G4|\/|3 \/\/IZ3LY


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Date: Oct 26, 2005

I remember Jack. That was possibly one of the strangest comics I ever read... especially in the furry category.

Oh, and another strange one to add:

Nana's Life. This is honestly one of the saddest, most heart-wrenching things I've ever seen. It's definitely rated M... for, well, I suppose child molestation, abuse, and just... stuff.



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Date: Oct 26, 2005

Something tells me I'd understand Nana's Life better if I'd seen Elfenleid.  Or however you spell it.

I liked it though, nifty style.

PIC|< j00R G4|\/|3 \/\/IZ3LY

High Keeper of the Sacred Texts

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Date: Oct 28, 2005

Mind-numbing brain much. I usually prefer tooread webcomic i find ENTERTAINING.

By-the-way, I am starting a new area soon for manga and webcomics, plz check it out. (when it's there)

The bird of hermes is My Name eating My wings to make Me tame

Master Mage

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Date: Nov 1, 2005

The Nanna's Life is really bad

Its really sick and really desturbing but

it does have cool style
"If you cant handdle mature stuff please dont go there"

 And also this is a great Thread thx a lot ben and Steffi

-- Edited by Asdfghjkl at 14:18, 2005-11-01


Date: Nov 1, 2005

Danke fur die comics.
Ich bin sehr haesslich.
Mein freund ist bloed.
Ich habe keine imbissstube.
Ich trage einen rock.
Ich freue mich, das habe ich sehr gern.
Ich bin sehr, sehr klein.
Das habe ich nichts.
Wie heisst du? Ich heisse carrotten.
Was machst du gern? Ich schwimme gern, aber du schwimmst nicht so gern.
Sprechst du deutsch gern?



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Date: Nov 1, 2005

"You know I don't speak Spanish!"

err...  German!

@ 'talli- The ending to Nana's Life was gorgeous though! 

PIC|< j00R G4|\/|3 \/\/IZ3LY

Master Mage

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Date: Nov 1, 2005

oh... really I havent read the hole thing of Nanna's Life
I 've read about 20 or some thing i dont know but its really desturbing



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Date: Nov 2, 2005

Anonymous wrote:

Danke fur die comics.



High Keeper of the Sacred Texts

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Date: Nov 2, 2005

.....Nana's Life is......OH GOD MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!

Seriously though, I have tried to read alot of what is on that list...Most of it is pretty ****** *** ***** ***** lame. Sluggy freelance was pretty good though.

The bird of hermes is My Name eating My wings to make Me tame


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Date: Nov 2, 2005


... What's not to like about them?

PIC|< j00R G4|\/|3 \/\/IZ3LY

High Keeper of the Sacred Texts

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Date: Nov 2, 2005

.....crappy animation, lame humor, failure to entertain.

The bird of hermes is My Name eating My wings to make Me tame


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Date: Nov 2, 2005

Which ones?  Most of the art in linked ones from Amergin is phenominal, and the ones I posted (as of yet unlinked) are just plain nifty (with possibly the exception of Friendly Hostility and Boy Meets Bot because some people don't like stuff like that). 

PIC|< j00R G4|\/|3 \/\/IZ3LY

High Keeper of the Sacred Texts

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Date: Nov 2, 2005

I try not to make it a point to remember things like.....those 'webcomics.' I read the Sluggy, Nana's life, one about FF, and like 3 others.

The bird of hermes is My Name eating My wings to make Me tame


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Date: Nov 2, 2005

"I have tried to read alot of what is on that list..."

I gues I assumed you were giving an actual opinion based on the "many" you had read.

PIC|< j00R G4|\/|3 \/\/IZ3LY

High Keeper of the Sacred Texts

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Date: Nov 2, 2005

DON'T CARE! I didn't have to read much to realize that most of that was not even remotely entertaining.

The bird of hermes is My Name eating My wings to make Me tame

Master Mage

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Date: Nov 3, 2005

I just finneshed Nanna's life and i love it

it is great it has a lot of desturbing things in it but the overall story is great

I just loved it



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Date: Nov 3, 2005

Hah!  I told you you'd like it!

Neener, neener, neener! 

PIC|< j00R G4|\/|3 \/\/IZ3LY

Date: Nov 3, 2005

Babblefish wrote:

DON'T CARE! I didn't have to read much to realize that most of that was not even remotely entertaining.

If you like Megatokyo, there's really no reason you shouldn't like some of the others.
You have no taste... but I digress.


High Keeper of the Sacred Texts

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Date: Nov 3, 2005

kkkkk, stop digressin... MegaTokyo is GREAT. GREAT animation, GREAT storyline, GREAT HUMOR! Nana's life? It's about a girl who has sexwith her dad!!!!! Honestly, you people disgust me!
If that your idea of entertainment.........

Dear Lord, baaa-aaa-aa-aaaa-aa-aaa-a-ad mental pictures.

The bird of hermes is My Name eating My wings to make Me tame


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Date: Nov 3, 2005

a) It's not animation, it's art.  Animation implies that it is moving.  Cartoons are animated, anime is animated.  Manga and webcomics are not.

b) Nana's Life is not about a girl who has sex with her dad.  Nana's life is about a girl who has known nothing but abuse all her life at the hands of someone who makes her call him Daddy.  Don't judge a webcomic simply on the first few strips you read.   

PIC|< j00R G4|\/|3 \/\/IZ3LY

High Keeper of the Sacred Texts

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Date: Nov 3, 2005

Like i care, it still is indecent (not that that's always a problem to me), but it's like the recent Penny Arcade comics....over an over again to the power of 89.

It's plain obnoxious, and has no value at ALL.

Sluggy Freelance is very clever, however, I bow to it's entertaining abilities.

The bird of hermes is My Name eating My wings to make Me tame

High Keeper of the Sacred Texts

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Date: Nov 3, 2005

I think the point i WANT to make is that *pulls out chainsaw* the pointless violence does NOT come off as funny *crazedly slaughters random people in the mall*.

GOOD webcomics have clever humor, a decent story, and good 'art'.

The bird of hermes is My Name eating My wings to make Me tame


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Date: Nov 3, 2005

The art is good, I like the style used.  And the abuse is used to make a point, it shows the extent of Nana's suffering.

PIC|< j00R G4|\/|3 \/\/IZ3LY

High Keeper of the Sacred Texts

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Date: Nov 3, 2005

The point ALSO lacks entertainment value. It is like a newspaper comic (only POINTLESSLY violent), it is only good for an occasional laugh.

I can't put this into words.......hmmmmmmm. The pint is, generally, these sort of things should be put into a more......**** can't think of right words. It's just that her suffering is a theme, and it's just plin repetition, no progress, unless you want to bring up something else I can easily prove invalid.

I just can't stand it! It lacks so MUCH!

The bird of hermes is My Name eating My wings to make Me tame


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Date: Nov 3, 2005

Everyone's entitled to his or her own opinion, but don't make broad generalizations based on limited experience.  That's all I was really trying to point out.

(Curiosity, how much of Nana's Life did you read?)

PIC|< j00R G4|\/|3 \/\/IZ3LY

High Keeper of the Sacred Texts

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Date: Nov 3, 2005

Hmm....... hard to remember, the sites I found were pretty crappy, and the comics were like all blended together. It was confusing (probably added to the negative experience).

The bird of hermes is My Name eating My wings to make Me tame


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Date: Nov 3, 2005

Did you read past the violence and abuse?

PIC|< j00R G4|\/|3 \/\/IZ3LY

High Keeper of the Sacred Texts

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Date: Nov 3, 2005

As far as possible, the comics ended at some point.
Anyway, Old School Penny Arcade is arguably one of the finest webcomics in existence.

The bird of hermes is My Name eating My wings to make Me tame
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