!Important!Important! These are some of my previous posts (AdviceGuy)
I'm back and I know that you're all very very very very very very very very very very excited about that. Don't bother asking me how my weekend went because it can be summarized in two words "Violent Diarrhea". I also went to the zoo. It seems that RedWinter or somebody has crashed the forums or something or other. All I know is that the forums didn't work and RedWinter told me some story about elves and leprechauns and corrupt moderators who broke their vows and united to form a force for chaos. This is the story that I managed to gather. In the beginning there was a magical land kingdom forum place ruled by the most wise and benevolent king named RedWinter. Of course The King only ruled on the surface, the true power lay in the hands of the King's Archimage and Counselor, the great, noble, and powerful, AdviceGuy. However the calm facade did not reflect the circling sharks of catastrophe below. There were several lesser moderators who were rumbling with discontent over their lesser rights, much in the way that Yellowstone rumbles with impending volcanic doom to the west coast. So they decided to do something about it, in order to get the rights they believed they truly deserved. Then one fateful day, while AdviceGuy was away, the corrupted moderators made their move. They burst in upon the king’s throne chamber armed with swords, pikes, and maces. The battle raged for hours, for the king was still a formidable fighter. As King RedWinter fought with his great broadsword and the corrupted fought with their dark weapons something plotted get free. When the moderators lay defeated the King slumped to the ground with many injuries. However their villainy did not end there. For they had summoned a dark creature the likes of which should never have seen the light of day. ~TO BE CONTINUED~
-- Edited by AdviceGuy at 03:44, 2005-10-29
-- Edited by AdviceGuy at 03:45, 2005-10-29
I have created this world for you go in semi-peace
Look Babblefish, I deal in facts, not your fanciful legends. There was no slow causing of dissent among the forums, it was a sudden seizure of power that they tried to do. The moderators lay defeated; however they had summoned a great dark being to augment their powers and weapons. This was their undoing for the king’s armor was well enchanted to resist these magical blows. However the dark demon which the Corrupted had conjured upon this world began to work it's way free from the ward set up, and from the fading words of power which the Corrupted had set upon it. The great demon rose upon from it's former prison and planned it's dark revenge. However the thaumaturge AdviceGuy sensed it's great magics and made all possible speed towards the castle. As the demon began his Cataclysm spell, he suddenly came face to face with AdviceGuy. He abandoned his spell and prepared to give battle.
I have created this world for you go in semi-peace
BubbleFish why can you not cease speaking? And stop using leetspeak here
Back to the story
As the great Archimage AdviceGuy and the Dark One begun their catastrophic battle, the rest of the people retreated to the castle. The castle was an ancient building, it had stood longer then anyone could remember. With it's myriad inhabitants a thousands of enchantments protected it's walls. When it was built, whoever built it did their job well.
The Castle was built upon a large hill, to the front it faced a plain, to it's back it had the sea. The walls were made of a kind of stone which had eluded understanding despite AdviceGuy's laborious attempts at identifying or classying it. It was white and was harder than almost anything. Mitheral seemed to barely scratched the surface. If one looked carefully then a fine tracery of runes would be visible. The castle contained an outer wall, secondary wall, third wall, fourth wall, fifth wall, and a keep among other things. Each wall is higher than the one outside of it. It has enchantment over it that number in the thousands.
The Dark one began by sending spikes of magical energy at AdviceGuy. But AdviceGuy dodged them. The Dark One send wave after wave of energy at Advice Guy and he was forced back and began to lose ground. AdviceGuy kept retreating under the demon's relentless assualt.
Then quite suddenly as the last civialian crossed the gate threshold the Castle was surronded by mist for a second and then quite suddenly, it was gone, simply gone. It left with all the people inside of it and went somewhere else or to be more exact, it came here where we are now. But I digress.
This quite took both of the battlers by suprise .
I have created this world for you go in semi-peace
Hey guys it looks like something went right and can now post.
My name is AdviceGuy and I'm here to give guidence and some sembalance of meaning to your life. I dispense great advice to the masses on just about any subject under the sun. I have an amount of expierences to draw on. I can help you with problems relateing to things like Gardening, Romance, Gardening, Thermodynamics, medical problems, Gardening, auto repair, gardening, school and work, gardening, grammer, gardening, growing things outside and gardeing.
By the way, RedWinter, your forums are pretty screwed up. You need a spell check, and indentation button that doesn't indent EVERY THING IN THE PARAGRAPH.
-- Edited by AdviceGuy at 14:51, 2005-09-29
__________________ It's a bird! It's a plane! It's AdviceGuy approaching terminal velocity! AdviceGuy', '', this, 0);" href="javascript: void(0);"AdviceGuy
I mean I am smart. Okay, I'll be honest, I'm a supergenuis. I'm tall, handsome, smart,tan, awesome, cool, good-smelling, alive, jocund, joyful to be around, mysteroius, sympathatic, understanding, rare, cool, and modest. But really I'm just normal Psionic guy. I mean sure i have magical, mystical, mysteroius, mpowers that can control the weather, read minds, shoot fire, create massive winds, and sunder the very earth itself among other things but I'm really a normal guy. I mean these are all just basic things I can do and i have barely began to tap my seemingly limitless powers.
I don't want to become an ultimate supreme unchallanged most great dictater and master of the all the universes known and unknown. Yet (A pox upon you RedWinter, a pox on you and your nonspellchecking forums!)
Well happy sunday to everyone It seems that the forum have been improved. Now everything is written in really tiny text, along with a background that hurts your eyes, and theres the whole white text on a light light blue background. Did i say improved in the begining? Oh right, now there are things that allow you to change the size of your text and color of your text. along with blod and images and other things like that. Anyway here's a funny picture i found while on the internet.
Wow that picture is really worth a thousand words. Here are some of them addle-pate, ass, blockhead, bonehead, boob, cretin, dimwit, dingbat, dolt, dope, dork, dumbbell, dumbo, dummy, dunce, dunderhead, fool, goose, halfwit, idiot, ignoramus, imbecile, lamebrain, loony, loser, lunkhead, mental defective, muttonhead, nerd, numskull, retard, simp, simpleton, stoop, stupid, tomfool, zany. Along with the words snake and bite and head. Wow
-- Edited by AdviceGuy at 09:52, 2005-10-02
__________________ It's a bird! It's a plane! It's AdviceGuy approaching terminal velocity!
I have created this world for you go in semi-peace
But first, fafahafhgadagrioegh YAY the colors! Now the first thing we need to do is to Triangulate your position. To do this you will need a long wave emitter and three friends. If you're like Los482 and you have no friends then you can use sticks.
After this attach the long wave transponders to the sticks and attach the long wave emmiter to yourself. after you do this simply calculate the distance from you to each of the transponders with this simple formula. d=cT where d is distance, T is time, c is the speed of light. and graph the appropraite distance on a graph and Voila, you're right there. Your graph should look like this.
After you've done this, superimpose your graph onto a map. ( depending on how large of a map you use you map or may not have to include the curve of the earth) and viola now you know where you are. Now all you have to do is upload this map to the nearest ranger station and you'll be saved in elven or so hours, or maybe it's eleven days. Who knows.
And that is how you get saved from a toxic lake. ( RedWInter make the standard text Larger!!!)
__________________ It's a bird! It's a plane! It's AdviceGuy approaching terminal velocity!
I have created this world for you go in semi-peace