1. Not To Smoke Pot 2. Not to sleep with ur mom 3. Do NOT Sit Hours Playing Video Games 4.Do Not Drink 5. Do Not Steal Music from the internet 6. Do Not Spend all Of Your Money 7. Do Not Piss the Table of the cafateria 8. Do not Pass out in the Bathroom and fall in the toilet 9. Do Not Piss in Your Bed 10. Do Not Go Humping Other people in public 11. Do NOt Look At Porn 12. Do not Surf the internet for 16 hours with no breaks 13. Do not get drunk and drive 14. Do Not CRAP in Your Moms Food 15. Do Not CRAP in You Dads Food 16. Do Not CRAP in your Food 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30....hmmm....17-29 ... were very bad and I can not tell u them they were bad 31. ok lets go on 32. Do not have sex with random people because they might put a bomb up your but and that does not feel good .... and trust me .....i know from exp. 33. This is the last rule and this is it ..............drum ............roll............ pleses.............................Now Cross Out the rules 1-32 and do thos things 3 time a day and you feel great like me !!!!!!
DOOD STOP SPAMMING, I will now......-hehehehehe, I am free to type what I want for 1 glorious day fear me and my leete, joo unsuspecting fools!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame