sorry advice guy. fca is already being used for the "Fellowship of Christian Athletes" , you are takeing the name of a christian youth group, fundemental communist had a bit a to say about christianity so here are the reprocussions of takeing the name fca:
1.seas of hate mail demanding that "liberal pinko commies who are brainwashing my children" but hate mail is liqued hate and therefore yopu can swim in it and we all love swimming.
2.the upper-middle class commies and their entire orgiznation at the high school will come after you(sadly this orgizination is probally comprisied by me...but we used to have 2 members" dont want to argue with marx's ghost you cant win trust me i have tried, he will try to get you to conform to the mannifesto in an attempt to pseude-posess ypu
oooohhhhoooo...i am marx's ghost run you bougwasie capitalist...ooooohhhhhhhhhoooooooo
I have created this world for you go in semi-peace
Communism is a brilliant philosophy. However, it is too restricted. Capitalism is very free and is also brilliant. However, this freedom leads to a widely separated caste system (upper class (rich ppl), middle class (not rich, not poor), poor ppl (so poor they can barely afford anything), and holy crap those ppl are poor (wow these dudes have just the clothes on their backs and the hair on their backs and faces and heads and some newspapers and stuff)). Facism is an extremist dictatorship in which the dictator controls everything. Screw Facism. Nazism--even worse: An extreme form of facism with massive amounts of racism too. Screw Nazism harder than you screwed facism. Imperialism--extreme expansionism, take-over-the-world style philosophy, emperor is leader. Japan's imperialist gov. is actually pretty successful... ======================================================== no philosophies were actually harmed or screwed during the creation of this post. ========================================================
"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet! (Hoo-Rah!)" -- Sergeant Johnson