Since the beggining of Star Wars, fan films have been made with reckless abandon as to entertainment value what-so-ever.
Here lies the solution.
Troops. A Star Wars spoof of cops, and the best fan-film starwars movie ever. As I don't know how to make a link and NO ONE HAS TOLD ME HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I wiil just have to type out the site.
Oh, and btw, andyone interested in contributing to a webcomic. If you do, there is absolutley NO quarentee it will be used, and if it is, we may not give you credit, especially if you are Annonymous.
-- Edited by Babblefish at 11:49, 2005-12-07
-- Edited by Babblefish at 11:51, 2005-12-07
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame