Have you ever wanted to create medieval plate armor/chainmail/weaponry in your own home (or town)? Well, so do we. But we need cash. And materials. So, if you wanna help in the construction of this forge, any contributions will be appreciated, whether they be materials, cash, labor, etc. Only problems are that we have no clue WHERE we would build this forge, much less where we would get the materials for constructing it. HOWEVER, we will struggle onward until our goal is met. We also need something to use as an anvil (the more anvils the better), some tongs (one set per anvil), and some metal-head mallets/sledgehammers/whatever. One more thing that is required: LOTS OF FREE TIME. Making armor is very time consuming and exhausting. I say this not from experience but from the advice of many people that do this for a hobby. Platemail takes a long time to shape perfectly, smooth, and shine, while chainmail takes a long time to make because each ring must be constructed individually (unless you purchase them online or elsewhere).
Materials list 1. spools of wire (galvanized steel, aluminum, brass, copper, bronze, silver, titanium, whatever) Should be between 14 and 20 gauge (see chainmailbasket.com for info on gauges) 2. pliers 3. workers (to make rings, assemble mail) 4. other stuff (check reference sites listed below for materials for forge, chainmail, and platemail)
STEPS IN CONSTRUCTING THIS FORGE 1. find a good location 2. obtain materials 3. bring materials and workers to location 4. assembly following diagram and/or written instructions 5. victory dance
STEPS IN USING THIS FORGE 1. find materials with which to make armor/weapons 2. use materials to make armor/weapons following various diagrams online OR using own diagrams 3. distribute finished products amongst ourselves OR sell finished products
and btw, we will need to practice and study before making full suits of armor or weapons by making smaller products such as pouches or coifs or whatever
here are some websites to refer to http://www.bladeturner.com/index.html http://www.chainmailbasket.com/construction/making_maille.html
oh yeah, and we can make chainmail or scale mail without a forge, so just PM me if you wanna help with chainmail or with scale mail (scale mail is more expensive, as scales must be purchased, while rings for chainmail can be hand made)
One last thing: do not start making chainmail if you get distracted very easily! You'll never make it through your first project!
-- Edited by The Forerunners at 09:35, 2006-06-09
"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet! (Hoo-Rah!)" -- Sergeant Johnson
Babblefish wrote: Of course we are, but so are you. At least we'll be f*cking nuts and have suits of armor. The Knights of Python shall ride again!
Amen brother. I wanna join the SCA! http://www.sca.org/ It's cool! yeah. so. we are f*cking nuts, but it will be profitable if we get it going! and besides, we have already begun making chainmail. It's really not that hard.
"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet! (Hoo-Rah!)" -- Sergeant Johnson