It seems that one of the few pure Warriors fell to the Dark One's will, and he is now spreading propaganda to divide and conquer those few that are left. It seems that Redwinter has followed my council and has not allowed any the Power to anyone but himself. This is the first step to preserving these forums.
It seems a minion of the Dark has come among us. I will not speak his name for it is a curse. The Demon is now trying to spread his corruption even to Redwinter, but it is good that Red has adamant resistance to his magic.
Allow not ,brave followers, that this Demon's taint destroy all we have worked for. Fight, with all thy have.
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
The facless minons are now attacking. Fihgt them back, using all I have taought with joo're l33te. This threat is not going to stop our campaign against the Dark One.
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
If you are reading this then you are the only hope left eht seimene evah nekat eht dlohgnorts however, it is still salvageable if the Dark One is defeated in time our chances are grim, our army small... but if the factions can rise together and end his campaign before it's too late... WE MAY HAVE A CHANCE v 479dva 532f4904 8q4eho98wedhn 89fdr n3as89 HURRY vq4940
You say something stupid, I criticize it. That's the way things go, got it? Good. Don't like it? Then don't leave yourself open for criticism by saying stupid things or spamming.
My friends, my brothers, do not listen to this HERETIC, for he knows not of the evil that he sows in the children of our villiage. Do not cast him out of society because he is ignorant to the truth, but instead give him a guiding hand and help him find the True Way that all must follow, the path of righteousness that will lead us to truth and understanding. Like our fathers before us, we shall continue to fulfill the sacred vows. Stray not from the truth, for it shall guide ye all to the Sacred Valley in which the Sacred Pants reside. FOR THE PANTS!
You say something stupid, I criticize it. That's the way things go, got it? Good. Don't like it? Then don't leave yourself open for criticism by saying stupid things or spamming.
Heed not the CHEESEy ways of the OTHER WHITE MEAT for he speaks heresy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEMON! Our Covenant has survived only because of the unquestioning worship of our subjects and their support of our Great Journey... If you wish to join us on the Great Journey, ignore this fool's blasphemy, or you shall stay behind while we move on to a Better Place... It is your choice... His way... Or the right way.
"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet! (Hoo-Rah!)" -- Sergeant Johnson
Heed not the CHEESEy ways of the OTHER WHITE MEAT for he speaks heresy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEMON! Our Covenant has survived only because of the unquestioning worship of our subjects and their support of our Great Journey... If you wish to join us on the Great Journey, ignore this fool's blasphemy, or you shall stay behind while we move on to a Better Place... It is your choice... His way... Or the right way.
To be CHEESEy you lots of cheese. Its not a religion, dude. Calm down. Thats right. Calm.......soothing breaths.........think of the ocean......think of cheese........
Delicious Turkeys of Fury, Obesity Man!!!!!! THE WEBSITE IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!