I DON"T CARE OF YOUR RAMBLING MORTAL. YOU SERVE NO PURPOSE, BEGONE! (Great dood. You let the other other me loose) (YEah, this guy is BBAAAAAADDDDDDDDD!)
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
Good manga is not precisely my expertise, but I am learning. A great Web-comic drawn in the mange style is Mega Tokyo. I REALLY sugest checking it out. It is hilarious, and has a strong story.
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
(Yeah doods. This is my favorite too. Mostly cause of Largo. He's pretty much my idol......like him, all of) (selves love videogames. We have requested a column be erected in the name of videogames.hehahehaehaehaehaehaheahehaheahehaehaehaehaehaehaehaehhaeha, power to the PIXELS!)
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame