This game combines the action of and FPS with the freedom of a standback view. This allows and disables many options of combat. It is a truly innovational way of play,and it deserves praise.
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
Well i have no bad things to say about GTA but i mean they are right the GTA siries were the worst games ever in the type of content that they had GTA took their games beyond any other games it had murders, prostitution, fighting, nudity, rape, i mean it had everything even sex did you hear about the hot_coffe mod if yuo did not know about this this is what happened RockStar Games desided to be funny and put vetual sex seens in the game but lock it so nobody would be able to to see it but ofcorse some people found that out and made a mod that would actualy open all that stuff and you would be able to see it well isnt that great and so GTA: SanAndreas got the Adults only rating 18+. Which is fine by me because they just moved it only 1 year
But whats really stupid is that mothers who bought the game for their sons were mad because they did not know that it contained sex seens and were really mad but they must have not looked on the box and it sayes
#1 Blood and Gore (well no duhh....)
#2 Strong language
#3 Intense violence
#4 Strong Sexual Content
#5 Use of dugs
But his has nothing to do with this but i thi9nk its ironic and i just wanted to share my point of view