If you (ahem Babblefish and Aljhll) keep making fun of my posts I'm just going to stop posting. I can't stand it. I work hard on those. That is why I did not join your guilds. And because the Chaos guild is cooler.
Delicious Turkeys of Fury, Obesity Man!!!!!! THE WEBSITE IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
For God's sakes guys, what are we, second graders? If you're so offended by what he's been saying, then speak to him rationally in person or PM him. Or hey, here's an idea, ignore him. And don't get the Admin involved, it makes you look like an immature little brat who can't handle his own probelms.
I don't know about the rest of the forum, but I am so fsking sick of listening to you two argue.
RedWinter, a humble suggestion- temporary ban on all parties involved.
Suggestion this: I cannot stand this anymore. There is not point in this. The mods are deliberating the problem, and none of them are happy (especially me, except possibly Redwinter, but he has given US 'democratic rights' or something).
The point is, i have posted some much, and have been integrated to the forums so far as to trying to remove me might be catastrophic. Alot of people appreciate my posts (Asdfghjkl epsecially0. White Meat would not be missed. I wash my hands of this, and resolve myself of Meat's filth.
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
I don't particularly care about how "integral" you are to this forum or about who's Mod and who's not. You're both acting like little children and you're in High School.
For the record, ALL OF US HAVE BEEN PUTTING UP WITH THIS SINCE THE FORUM WAS STARTED. I don't think you fully understand what HAS been going on! Read the post 'unto you' in the l33te column. Otherwise..........
I have already spoken rationaly with him. Like all people, I have a temper. He has purposely been poking it for WAY TOO LONG. This abuse can not keep going.
Seriously, no more, please.
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
nooo.... he realy stoped posting as much as he used to and he can post anything he wants to because its his posts and you are can not deside what is spam and what is not and really moderators need to get together and deside what is spam
actually spamming is accordimng to to "The New International Websters Collegiate Dictionary of the english language" says that spam is well actually they dont have an definition for it, so i really just wasted alot of words on that but anyway heres MY definition of spam: spam is either junk mail , or repeating a short statement or word for the purpose of annoynance or just to be mean. and thats the definiation on my website
I have created this world for you go in semi-peace
Making way for the definition of spam as it has been declared on other forums I've frequented:
Spam = +the posting of something that has nothing to do with the topic +posting the same message over and over again, whether in the same thread or not +posts that have no capability to generate a conversation +insulting someone unprovoked +whining to the moderators (can be done through PMing if it must be done)
Turning a blind-eye when it suits you is disgusting hypocracy in some form, and cowardice. Sweet Jebus, if you want to make it a point that you shelter what's his Meat, fine. But don't try to be intellectual about it, that's painful!
I'm outta here, I leave you to kill amongst yourselves.
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
so your calling us cowardly hippocrits. how many topics have you started that have never gotten any replies, how many times have you had one of your POINTLESS multiple personality fits just to beat meat at the post race. lower you ego and stop thinking of yourself as some holy beacon of truth and justice on these forums
I have created this world for you go in semi-peace
Again, the pint is that the "fits' were used to display views on conflcting or difficult to unerstand ideas, without much insult to anyone.
What you say is quite laughable, I replied to the posts concerning myself, WHO WOULDN'T!!!!!
As further denouncement, you claim so many things yet prove little. Leave me out of your power struggle. I tried to leave that alone, so stop posting insults.
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
The point is, posting as what seems to be multiple personalities makes it easier to post posts that would normally insult some one. This was one of the complaints from the last forum (lol, you would't KNOW!). And if you noticed, most of these kinds of posts is just one put together.
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
Listen up ppl no more of this bs about "im only posting to myself, not spamming." if you wanna talk to yourself or post to yourself, make your own forum. NO MORE FREAKING FLAMING! I'm not a moderator, and therefore cannot edit your posts or change what you say or anything like that, but if I was admin I would take B-fish's posts and delete half of them, and then take White Meat's posts and delete half of those too. KEEP THE RANDOMNESS WHERE IT BELONGS! Another suggestion: If this post doesn't solve the flaming problem, then Redwinter should make a separate area for flaming and criticisms. That way, if you want to criticize or get criticized, then check the flaming column. Otherwise, you don't have to see what others say about you. Get it??? Now, let's all settle down and act like civilized individuals for once. Three ways to do this: 1. Save flaming for PM's or for real world talk (say it to their face, like a real man (or, in Stephanie's case, a woman)) 2. Don't flame at all 3. Don't post completely random posts that leave room for criticism and flaming, such as a post that says only "dude, pants cheese blah." that's a load of BS that should be flamed. Chris out.
"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet! (Hoo-Rah!)" -- Sergeant Johnson