Does anyone want me to do an episode 2? Or did that suck? Hey who is that guy, you're the criticize!! Or smackitize, or noobitize, or long as it ends with itize...
Delicious Turkeys of Fury, Obesity Man!!!!!! THE WEBSITE IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!
Guy- Awe don't worry, I can get you one of THOSE for 1992971872 easy payments of $888376199.868287. Just mail to 882992864989188 WashingotMc-FaliionBillington Boulevard. Sorry no CoD's. For individual use only, results may vary.
Customer- *Begins gouging out Guy's eyes with a card-board cut-out of Ronald McDonald*
Guy- And now, a special offer, with your purchase of "Ferrauris unleashed: Director's Cut," we'll send you a book for better gouging techniques.
Customer- *Begin's to go for guy's neck*
-This scene has been censored for reasons of extreme violence, beurocracy, and very expensive prescription drugs. Instead, you will view the following picture.
-The End-
-- Edited by Babblefish at 17:11, 2005-11-18
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame