I have recently become fascinated by science and physics. To that end I have change the focus of the forums to the disscusion of the fascinated heisenburg uncertainty principle. This is a facsinateing propery of physics.
I hope you enjoy the new forum topic as much as i do.
I have created this world for you go in semi-peace
About the principal. In that it makes much sense, but has yet to completely prove true.
If you notice in his original paper of this Principal, he is not specific enough on the terms of inequality between the knowledge of the momentem of a particle and the knowledge of its position.
Also, the v of the equation attributed to the h-bar can't easily be determined of quantum particles in itself of this thoery.
The field of quantum physics is clearly stated as totally incomplete in all experiments because of the statistics affecting the particles in question by other unknown particles in the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. Two particles with zero spin lightyears away from each other still influence another instantaneously, but is impossible to tell how because simaltaneously, they are being influenced by an infinite number of unknown particles.
And thus, as of now with our limited knowledge, all principals and laws of quantum mechanics are rendered obsolete to tell any relevant measurements of particles in experimentation.
----There, that make ya happy?----
-- Edited by Babblefish at 08:23, 2005-11-19
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame