Violence is considered not as bad as sex why? why? why? No No wait sex is considered much worst than violense and why is that i mean killing a human being is ok but seeing a naked person is horrible i dont think so i believe that violense and sex are bad for a small child about the same and maybe violense is even more worst than the sex but this is like the extension to the other post in the video game forum
+Sex is more censored than violence on TV, but I think they both have about the same effect o a kid but in different ways. Violence is more of a lawfulness issue, sex is a morality issue.
+Personally, I think sex is worse, but that's probably only because I've admittedly become rather desensitized to most violence.
+Christians believe that sex is sacred should be saved for marriage only- in most TV shows and movies, the sex is not between two married people. And since this country was founded on Christian principles and Chritianity remains the dominant religion, there ya go.
+What would you rather have? People killing people, or people sleeping with people?
("Violence in movies, and sex on TV!")
Interesting Note- 9/11. They replayed images of people jumping out of buildings, of the planes hitting and so forth over and over again for weeks and no one complained as loudly as when at the SuperBowl Janet Jackson got her top ripped off.
I say that we should probably be exposed to less of both, no thanks to the media. In America this is about impossible. U know, Asdfghjkl, in Europe they regard both about the same.
-- Edited by The Other White Meat at 21:26, 2005-11-28
Delicious Turkeys of Fury, Obesity Man!!!!!! THE WEBSITE IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!
Do you mean the hentai games and dating sims and such from Japan? I think that if you want to, go ahead, not like you're hurting anyone. Just don't let them affect your reality, I suppose.
In regards to violence, games with absolutely mindless attacking and killing are the only thing that have kept me from seriously hurting someone or myself. We need some kind of outlet for anger and such, and for me it just happens to be violent video games. It may not be the best route for everyone, but like I said in the topic in Video Games, parents and (at a certain point) thier children should know their limits on that kind of thing and act accordingly.