There is NO loyalty in this forum. It still lacks any basic focus. All truly great forums focus on one prominent theme.
However, even if the lazy administrator (no, I have no problem insulting people similar to Advice Guy not having a problem suggesting to you to stab your eye with a knife) does pick a theme, not EVERYONE will be happy about it.
Take the newest idea, a webcomic, which was my idea. Now the admin. wants me AND Advice Guy to run it.
How so? This is problematic, no dispute.
This is how that's going to plasy out. Eventually, Advice Guy will pester Redwinter so much that Red will put him in charge of the webcomic. I will be given a lower level of power and say in the decisions of the webcomic, and I will then ask why Redwinter did this and ask him to appeal his decision. Redwinter will then say I'm complaining, and out of some twisted form of spite, I will then have no power over the webcomic.
It WOULD have gone this way if I didn't say anything, and now Red will probably try to discount this as complaining. That's his favorite accusation/excuse.
Anyway, this is how alot of stuff is handled in the forums, and that is why it never works. Advice Guy will now decide to rebut everything I just said, no matter how true it is.
Furthermore, to confront a complaint about my posts. Its seems that some people don';t like my Crazy-Zen or Vid-iot topics because I reply to them.
I feel that there should be No problem in this, as long as the accused has put a decent degree (in my case, quite a bit) of work into each section. The way these kinds of topics are set up, each part pretty much HAS to be seperate anyway, but I under stand the concern.
Notice, this once again a post in my defense, which it seems I have to do alot lately. Furtermore............well, I can't put THAT into words, but I AM still pretty pissed about suddenly being de-modded, not so much the fact that now I am being persecuted everywhere I turn.
Well, fine then, bring. I am excellent at forum combat, as I have to be, because half the time, I'm fighting nearly every member. This may be because my views are very cynical, but again, I really don't.
Furthermore, you may think that I'm beating a dead horse. Oh well, that's how things gotta be done on this forum, at least in my case of which is very well described in this post.
-- Edited by Babblefish at 11:58, 2005-12-01
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
Yeah. Posting to urself in those posts doesn't really count because of what they are. Most people will not post back on them, but just read them. However, you CAN just edit your first post and add new stuff on to it (see chronicles of obesity man). The only problem with this is that it doesn't really notify people after you add new stuff.That's why I'm probably going to just post to myself in The Chronicles of Obesity Man.
-- Edited by The Other White Meat at 16:13, 2005-11-30
Delicious Turkeys of Fury, Obesity Man!!!!!! THE WEBSITE IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!
the only reason i suggesed that you babblefish and Advice guy work together is because you both seemed to come up with the same idea at once. however since you two appear to not want to work together i suggest two sepreate comics however if that dosent work then neither of you will get anywhere
-- Edited by Red Winter at 17:44, 2005-11-30
I have created this world for you go in semi-peace
Advanced Advice Columnist Ph.D Science Ph.D Advice M.D Shogun of the Forums Supreme Archmage Lord of the Realms of Fire, Air, Water, and Fire Master of Chaos License to Kill Innovative Speller
Babblefish wrote: There is NO loyalty in this forum. It still lacks any basic focus. All truly great forums focus on one prominent theme.
I really don't see why we need a basic theme. In fact the forums do have a theme, it's Advice. What great forums are you talking about? What makes a forum great? Is it membership? Quantity of posts? I think it's quality of posts that matter. Eventually people will like this forum and will start telling their friends about and we'll have a healthly number of people
Babblefish wrote: However, even if the lazy administrator (no, I have no problem insulting people similar to Advice Guy not having a problem suggesting to you to stab your eye with a knife) does pick a theme, not EVERYONE will be happy about it.
I have no idea what you are trying to say. It's something about my recent rant post and about Red Winter being lazy. Yes not everybody will be happy if we pick a theme. So instead the forum is dynamic. This way the only person who is unhappy is you. I don't really have too much of a problem with that.
Babblefish wrote: Take the newest idea, a webcomic, which was my idea. Now the admin. wants me AND Advice Guy to run it.
The webcomic was your idea? Oddly enough I seem to remember it differently. I seem to remember mention that i had drawn a few comics and you saying that we should put it on the site.
The reason that nobody is going to see a webcomic anytime soon is because we need an illustator. I can't draw and i have not found anybody who is willing to draw the comic. The administrative diffuculites are secondary. (it shoud be noted that when i said i drew a few comics that the comics are stick figures.)
Seeking illustrator
Must be able to work under high pressure situations (2-5 atomospheres)
Must be willing to accept low pay (starting at $0.00 dollars an hour)
Must be easy to get along with (I sure won't be)
Must be able to draw many different human characters and allow easy differation bewtween them ( A degree {not the paper kind} of realism is required)
Must be sober during application process (Not essential during actual drawing proccess
Must be willing to work for demanding Scriptwriter
Must be free from any unhealthy inhibtions to drawing, like a social life
Babblefish wrote: This is how that's going to plasy out. Eventually, Advice Guy will pester Redwinter so much that Red will put him in charge of the webcomic. I will be given a lower level of power and say in the decisions of the webcomic, and I will then ask why Redwinter did this and ask him to appeal his decision. Redwinter will then say I'm complaining, and out of some twisted form of spite, I will then have no power over the webcomic.
So that how it going to plasy[sic] out is it? I didn't know all I had to was to pester Red Winter sufficently. I'll just go ahead and launch my pester missles. "but captain Ensign Frank is inside the missle tubes" Everbody must make sacrifices, fire the missiles.
I think that i could run the comics better than you could. That is why I think i should be in charge. With two people there has to be one person in charge, otherwise it just won't work. It will work slowly with two people sharing power but i think it will fall apart. On the other hand makeing two comics won't work if they have the same characters (my comics use real people, sort of)
Thus AdviceGuy has decreed and so shall it be forevermore.
Advanced Advice Columnist Ph.D Science Ph.D Advice M.D Shogun of the Forums Supreme Archmage Lord of the Realms of Fire, Air, Water, and Fire Master of Chaos License to Kill Innovative Speller
Babblefish wrote: It WOULD have gone this way if I didn't say anything, and now Red will probably try to discount this as complaining. That's his favorite accusation/excuse.
You do complain. It's not an accusation. It's a statment of fact. In fact this entire thread has been nothing but your willy-nilly complaining (Mad Flying Bricks Enterprises is not responsible for any use or misuse of the word "willy-nilly" You have also begun useing the present tense. It looks like my Pester Missiles worked but now i can't find Ensign Frank.
Babblefish wrote: Anyway, this is how alot of stuff is handled in the forums, and that is why it never works. Advice Guy will now decide to rebut everything I just said, no matter how true it is.
I think that things are getting done in the forums. I mean the forums are up, people are here, and we have some plans. However yes I've almost finished rebuting everything. I also was not aware of the fact that there is a hieracrchy of trueness.
Babblefish wrote: Advice Guy will now decide to rebut everything I just said
ha ha ha I just put this here because I apreciate irony.
Babblefish wrote: Notice, this once again a post in my defense, which it seems I have to do alot lately. Furtermore............well, I can't put THAT into words, but I AM still pretty pissed about suddenly being de-modded, not so much the fact that now I am being persecuted everywhere I turn.
I not sure exactly wht you're trying to say. However about you being demodded. To the best of my knowledge you were demodded for spamming, Moderators should strictly adhere to the rules that they enforce (this doesn't apply to me, it isn't so much that I'm above the law, it's that the law is below me). We can't have you deleting spam posts and spamming your own spam at the same time. I think this is also the reason you were neutered.
Babblefish wrote: Well, fine then, bring. I am excellent at forum combat, as I have to be, because half the time, I'm fighting nearly every member. This may be because my views are very cynical, but again, I really don't.
Furthermore, you may think that I'm beating a dead horse. Oh well, that's how things gotta be done on this forum, at least in my case of which is very well described in this post.
What you have is called a perseccution complex and possibly paronia. You have the idea that everyone is out to get you and that they all hate you. Get a cure or will really become true.
AdviceGuy out
Thus AdviceGuy has decreed and so shall it be forevermore.
Thank you for proving that last part for me Advice Guy.
1.By common theme, I mean that there should be one MAIN focus, and there should be branches of related topics. If by dynamic, you mean come here to type often times random things that will more-often-than-not serve no use on the real world (like your Advice Colum), then yes, it is very dynamic. Not to say that a main theme must provide such a use, but at least to the point all debates and disputes have some sort of common ground between them.
2. You can't draw, so how did you start by it by saying that you WERE drawing and then I 'said' that we should put it on the forum. Bull. I started thinking about this webcomic not long after I started typing "Crazy Zen."
3.Complex? You yourself are 'out to get me' right now.
Not that THAT matters anyway, you really are just annoying me. It is mostly the others that cause more trouble for me.
4. THIS IS COMPLAINING? I was pointing things out. In fact, you're complainging of MY post right now. In fact, everyone who has complained of me 'COMPLAINING' has complained about my posts. This is outrage.
5.Spamming....Yes I did spam. I also admitted to it. I would also like to point out that alot of this 'spam' was because alot of the times I posted, it came up blank. Not that I could have done anything anyway; I could'nt delete any of them.
6.Nothing is getting done on the forums, except for a monthly reset. You really have no concept of progress, do you?
7.For the point, if the old posts were still here, I could find multiple posts of each current mod (except for Shadow) breaking the rules. You too, Redwinter. As I've said before, there is no way my being removed from moderation can be justified unless averyone else is removed also. You have no concept of reality, Advicer, as you were once regarded with contempt for CHANGING SOMEONE'S POST. I never did this, and I deleted ONE post, and I had the poster's PERMISSION to do it.
8.Yes, pester. Redwinter would never admit it because je doesn't want to side with me at all. You keep talking about to the point where I'm almost forgotten as the one who CAME up with the idea.
You need top get a grasp of realities. Most of your points are imagined scenarios. I really didn't direct this at YOU anyway, regardless of you being mentioned, but it is your right to reply, as I have said on multiple occasions.
Also, about this spam. I replied to things that mentioned me. Again, I won't have people saying things about my input, just as you (notice the two below posts that could easily be one) don't.
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
Babblefish wrote: There is NO loyalty in this forum.
Who needs loyalty??? I mean seriously. For a supporter of anarchy, you expect loyalty from those who you would undoubtedly befriend and then backstab (or, if you were into Chuck Norris jokes, roundhouse kick in the back of the head) in the lawless land. In some situations loyalty is understandable and necessary. But on these pointless forums?!?!?!? Not really a necessity.
Another thing. About that illustrator, Oleg. I may be the man for the job...but then again, I may not be. I can draw mediocre humanoid figures and stuff, and if I worked hard enough at it I could probably draw backgrounds and stuff too, but I will need the story to be written by others, as my sense of humor is a of late. One more thing. About that pay...$0.00 an hour is actually pretty good...
-- Edited by The Forerunners at 08:47, 2005-12-05
"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet! (Hoo-Rah!)" -- Sergeant Johnson
well then why haven't you replied to Oleg's call for an artist???
in this case, it is not about who is the better artist, but who wants to illustrate the comic.
if you cared enough, you would have said something about being the artist instead of letting me get the job and then saying, "blah blah I'm better blah artist."
I realize that you are just your ego get a hold of you and bragging about your artsmanshipmentness, and then not backing up your boasts.
If you think that you are better than me, then don't brag to me or try and insult me, like you clearly did. Instead, go talk to Oleg about the job.
-- Edited by The Forerunners at 09:20, 2005-12-06
"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet! (Hoo-Rah!)" -- Sergeant Johnson
Two things meat. You do this kinda crap ALL THE TIME. as Forrunners has just graciously shown, it gets on peoples' nerves!
Second of all. I could illistrate the comic. I would like to; I'm not half bad at drawing. I just don't have a scanner. Hmmmmmm... I could draw then have some one scan onto site....That might work....
Anyway, stop.
The bird of hermes is My Name
eating My wings to make Me tame
Sry forerunners. I just wanna be good at SOMETHING b/c it seems u beat me at everything, and actually i did reply to Oleg a few days ago. Babblefish u can use my scanner instead of shadow's b/c my house is closer. Unless you'd still rather use shadow's scanner.
Delicious Turkeys of Fury, Obesity Man!!!!!! THE WEBSITE IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!
I say the three of us (b-fish, OWM, and myself) should collaborate on every aspect of the comic instead of assigning any one person to a specific part.
"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet! (Hoo-Rah!)" -- Sergeant Johnson