When i said "something to talk about" i mean that i want people to TALK. Other than MYSELF, ok? Yes, thats right, Matt, Stephainie, Benm, etc. please respond instead of reading this and "hmmm thats intersting i think ill say absoutely nothing" if u guys want to bring the forum's cold dead body back from the grave then actually work at it.
So, anyway, ketchup. Ketchup is good. No ok how about people post random stories theyve heard from someplace here? Or make one up if you prefer
ah the Darwin Awards, its a book of people who were killed in idiotic ways
For example, one guy put a rocket booster engine on his car. He was driving down an empty road and switched it on. Of course, he had to put on the brakes while the rocket booster was on, which sent his car literally flying at about 300 miles an hour or more straight into a cliff face. The car had started to melt and the only things that they could find left of the man were some fingernails and bone embedded in the steering wheel of the car and some hair.
Another guy killed himself with his own flatulence in an airtight room. That's gotta suck.
Delicious Turkeys of Fury, Obesity Man!!!!!! THE WEBSITE IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!